Although I can't go back in time, I can help others make good choices to help their families be healthy and happy.
My journey with holistic healing started when my son was a baby. I was struggling to nurse my son and to keep the household going, and I also had an awful condition on my feet called dyshidrotic eczema. Imagine having poison ivy on and between your toes, it itching day and night, and nothing you do can seem to calm it. That was me, and I lived with it for well over a year. I saw many different doctors and no one could tell me what caused it. They would give me a prescription for a cream and wish me well. There were times when I thought the only way I would get relief would be to cut off my toes. Then one day I caught a terrible stomach bug and went on a liquid diet for a day to recover. To my surprise my toes calmed down and I enjoyed a few hours of itch-free sanity! It was then I realized that the problem was not really a skin issue—it was a gut issue directly related to what I was eating! With the help of an online expert and a local holistic practitioner, I changed my diet, took supplements to support my body in healing, and finally “fixed” my gut and my feet.
Fast forward to the pandemic of the early 2020s. I was introduced to many unique voices in the field of medicine who offered belief, hope, and love in a time that these were desperately needed. These people were putting their reputations and in some cases their jobs and licenses on the line to help humanity, while the rest of us were just trying to maintain a pretty normal life. Surely there was something more I could do. I never lost my interest in holistic things, so when I heard about the holistic nutrition program at the Energetic Health Institute (EHI), I checked it out. Although my background was in chemical engineering and project management in the corporate world and in the hospitality industry co-running a mom-and-pop bed and breakfast, I felt the calling to enroll at EHI in 2022. It’s a decision I have not regretted since. After over 1,000 hours of nutrition education, I graduated with my certification in holistic nutrition in 2024 healthier and happier than I’ve ever been.
My science background and experience nurturing project teams and B&B guests have provided me the foundation to use my holistic nutrition education to teach and inspire clients on their own holistic well-being journeys. As a mother, I have a special place in my heart for both children and moms of all ages, especially nursing moms and moms of young children. There is SO MUCH I know now that I wish I had known when my son was born and throughout his early years. Although I can’t go back in time, I can help other women make good, practical choices to help their families be healthy and happy.
Here is what I believe: Everyone can heal. Everyone is unique and special and deserves to be treated that way. Every step in healing should be practical, not complicated or overwhelming.
If you share these beliefs and are ready to invest in your health and that of your family, contact me for a no-cost, no-obligation 15-minute phone consultation.